Key Contacts
- Designated Safeguarding Lead: Paul Beverton – Head teacher - 01323 737221
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Dominique Barrow – Deputy Head teacher 01323 737221
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Barbara Todd - School Business Manager 01323 737221
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead SENDCO EYFS/KS1: Michelle Grayson - 01323 737221
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead SENDCO KS2: Helen French - 01323 737221
- Nominated governor for safeguarding and child protection: Chiara Potenza - 01323 737221
- Chairs of governors: Stephen Byrne. – 01323 737221
- Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO and Assistant LADO): Consultation via the online portal here
- Referrals into Early Help and Social Care Single Point of Advice: 01323 464222 - Emergency Duty Service (after hours, weekends and public holidays): 01273 335906/01273 335905
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy -> here
If you require support due to Domestic Abuse please contact Safe in Sussex->here
Domestic Abuse is a ‘cruel and complex crime’ which affects millions of people in our society every year and cuts across all strata of society, across all ages, types of relationship, cultures and races. It is damaging to individuals and to communities, it weakens a country’s economy, reduces productivity and attendance in the workplace, is a public health issue and bleeds into every part of our society. Domestic Abuse diminishes both the perpetrator and the victims. We must all work to achieve the cessation of Domestic Abuse.
Domestic abuse is often a hidden crime that is not reported to the police.
• 'Children exposed to domestic abuse are victims of child abuse.'
• Living with domestic abuse is a children’s rights issue.
Operation Encompass ensures that all domestic abuse incidents with children related to either adult will be shared with the child’s school prior to the start of the next school day. From the inception of Operation Encompass one focus has been our aspiration to end Domestic Abuse. The school will then work with children, families and Children's Services to ensure safeguarding and the protection of children in such circumstances is paramount.
Keeping Children Safe in Education - Part One ->here
Anti-Bullying Policy ->here
Prevent duty for schools and childcare providers
A child or young person may be vulnerable to pressure to hold extreme views
By law, all registered childcare providers (early years and later years) are subject to the Prevent duty. This duty is under section 26 of the Counterterrorism and Security Act 2015.
Paragraphs 57-76 of the Act concern schools and childcare providers. The Prevent Duty requires them to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.
Prevent Policy->here
Education Against Hate - Information for Parents ->here
Wake Up Wednesday newsletters contain online safety articles of interest ->here