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Our Governing Body

St Thomas a Becket Catholic Primary School has a single Governing Body led by Chair of Governors, Mr. Stephen Byrne. The Governing Body currently consists of 12 members, made up of 7 Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton, 1 Local Authority governor, 2 Parent Governors, 1 Teaching and Support Staff Governor, and the Headteacher. Governors play an active part in the life of the school and attend regular meetings.

Governors are entrusted with upholding the Catholic ethos which is at the heart of our School. Our core strategic functions are to:

· Ensure clarity of Catholic vision, ethos, and strategic direction

· Hold the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance and Catholic character of the school and its pupils; and for and the effective and efficient performance management of staff

· Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent

Governors' responsibilities include ensuring that an authentic Catholic Ethos is cultivated, promoted, and respected across all aspects of school life.

The Governors meet 4 times per academic year as a Full Governing Body. There are three main committees that meet between three and five times a year, plus an Admissions Committee and a Pay and Personnel Committee.

The Finance and Resources Committee monitors the school’s budget plan and performance, premises, health and safety, and staffing matters. The Chair of this committee is Mr. Stephen Byrne.

The Quality and Standards Committee oversees the school’s curriculum both religious and secular, the School Development plan, and safeguarding and wellbeing. The Chair of this committee is Mr. James Pratt.

The Catholic Ethos and Values Committee ensures that the school provides education within an environment where Catholic Ethos and values are respected, witnessed, practiced, and nurtured. The Chair of this committee is Mrs. Sarah Feist.

Contact the Clerk to the Governing Body, Sally McMahon to:

· contact the Chair of Governors

· ask for governing body minutes

· get information on Governor vacancies

· find out how to become a School Governor Email: clerk@stthomasbecket.e-sussex.sch.uk

Tel: 01323 737221

There is currently one vacancy for a Foundation Governor on the Governing Body. Please contact the Clerk for more information if you are interested in becoming a Foundation Governor.

For more information about the constitution of governing bodies, please see the statutory guidance: Constitution of governing bodies of maintained schools - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Governor Profiles :

Stephen Byrne - Foundation Governor and Chair of Governors

My name is Stephen Byrne and I was appointed as a Foundation Governor in April 2021. I moved to Eastbourne a year ago, along with my wife, who attended St Thomas a Becket, and our now two and half year-old daughter. We recently welcomed our son who was born in July. I am a qualified accountant with over 15 years' experience working in the private and public sector organisations. I am passionate about Catholic education and its role in the formation and development of children and I am looking forward to working with the Headteacher and the Governing Body to support the continued success of the School and promote its Catholic vision and ethos.

James Pratt - Local Authority Governor and Vice Chair of Governors

My name is James Pratt and I am the Local Authority designated Governor at St Thomas a Becket Catholic Primary School. I have nearly 10 years’ experience in Education and I am currently an Assistant Headteacher at a local Secondary School. My passion in education is high quality pastoral care and ensuring all pupils are afforded the same opportunities regardless of their social and economic background. I currently lead on Behaviour and Attendance at my school. I have two children, one who currently attends St Thomas a Becket and one that will be joining in the future. I am really honoured to sit on the Governing Body of such a great school and look forward to continuing to support the school in any way I can in the future.



Sarah Feist -  Governor

I am Sarah Feist, recently retired from my role as Lead Officer for Catholic School Inspection with the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Education Service. I have been involved in Catholic Education from the start of my teaching career, firstly as a class teacher and senior leader in a Diocesan Catholic primary school, moving onto working for the Education Service, supporting and challenging our schools in my role as Primary adviser for Religious Education and Catholic Ethos. I have been privileged to work locally, regionally and nationally with colleagues from across all areas of Catholic Education and am delighted to be part of the community of St Thomas a Becket. 


Dominique Barrow - Staff Governor

I have been a part of St Thomas a Becket since I attended the school as a child. I joined the teaching team as a Year 6 class teacher 20 years ago. Throughout my time at St Thomas a Becket Catholic Primary School I have undertaken a number of roles from leading a variety of subjects across KS2 including English and PE to moving into Senior Leadership in 2003 by becoming assistant head for the Junior School and then Deputy Head for the Junior School. I am currently Deputy Head of our Primary School since the Infant and Junior schools became a Primary School. My varied roles have given me the amazing opportunity to work alongside our wonderfully talented children and staff.

This is a very exciting time for our school and I feel privileged to be part of such a dedicated team of governors and staff who are striving to ensure all our children are offered the best experiences at school.


Arkadiusz Kulpa - Foundation Governor

My name is Arkadiusz Kulpa and I was appointed as a Foundation Governor in April 2022. I am happily married with three children, the eldest of which currently attends St Thomas a Becket Catholic Primary School. I am a QA (Quality Assurance) professional and an ardent catholic – intending to bring those two passions of mine to the role of Foundation Governor and help make our school a place of outstanding learning, where all children are inspired to be moral adults and a force for Good in the world. I am pleased to be able to work with the school community and staff at St Thomas a Becket and I pray for Our Lord’s guidance to fulfil my duties as Foundation Governor according to His Will as revealed in the teachings of the Catholic Church. 


Geraldine Briggs - Foundation Governor

I was appointed as a Foundation Governor in June 2024 and my name is Geraldine Briggs. Both of my daughters attended St Thomas a Becket Catholic Primary School and I currently have three grandchildren at the school.

Before retiring, I spent twenty-seven years at a local secondary school as a Special Education Needs teacher. I started my teaching career as a Secondary Humanities teacher in a Catholic Comprehensive School in London. I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to help the school to continue to achieve high standards of Catholic education for all pupils.


Chiara Potenza - Foundation Governor

My name is Chiara Potenza and I am pleased to be a new Foundation Governor at St Thomas a Becket Catholic Primary School. My husband and I moved from London to Eastbourne in 2013 and have three children who attend the school, which we find to be a wonderfully diverse, caring and inclusive school. I have worked in Primary Education for 15 years and know firsthand how fundamental an engaging and creative education is for children. As a governor, I am on the Quality and Standards committee and I take a leading role in Safeguarding. Along with the Governing Board, I am committed to supporting the school and our community so as to ensure the best possible educational experience, opportunities and outcomes for all of the children at St Thomas a Becket. 

Susan Fegan- Foundation Governor

I am pleased to join the Governing Body of St Thomas a Becket School as a Foundation Governor. As a former pupil and the mother of two, including a current Year 1 student, I have a strong connection to the school. My experience as a History teacher in Catholic secondary schools for the past 15 years has also enabled me to support many St Thomas a Becket students through the next stage of their education. I am committed to upholding the school's mission and ensuring that all students can flourish within an inclusive Catholic community. I look forward to working with the Governing Body to contribute to the continued success of St Thomas a Becket.


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