Love Reading
World Stories- Find stories to read in a range of languages including Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Jack and the Beanstalk.
Stories provide a wealth of language we don’t use in everyday talk.
The more stories, poems and nursery rhymes children know well, the more easily they will be able to understand what they read, when they can read.
Read the same stories aloud again and again -children are wired to thrive on repetition.
Read with enthusiasm – love each story!

Encourage a love of reading
•Read yourself! It doesn’t matter what it is – pick up a newspaper or magazine, take a look at a cookery book, read a computer manual, enjoy some poetry or dive into a romance or detective novel. And get your children to join in – if you’re cooking, could they read the recipe?
•Give books as presents and encourage your children and their friends to swap books with each other – it’ll give them a chance to read new stories, and get them all talking about what they’re reading.
•Visit the local library together. It’s always fun choosing new books to read, and keep an eye out for special author events at the library or local bookshops – children love meeting their favourite authors.
•Encourage children to carry a book at all times. That way, they’ll never be bored (this is something you can do, too!)
•Have a family bookshelf. If you can, have bookshelves in your children’s bedrooms, too.
•Keep reading together. Just because your children are older, it doesn’t mean you have to stop sharing stories.